Useful tutorial for hugo. I want to convert my Django site to hugo so this is a nice starter
On By petersanchez (copy link)
Useful tutorial for hugo. I want to convert my Django site to hugo so this is a nice starter
On By petersanchez (copy link)
Not even sure what to make of this other than it was hilarious to read.
On By petersanchez (copy link)
“Screenshots won’t get you in”, but Chrome DevTools will. Click here to skip the rant and go straight to the nerdy stuff. I recently purchased tickets to a concert from TicketMaster. If they had...
On By petersanchez (copy link)
Example of how to use nginx as a proxy for a S3 like, or foreign, storage service.
On By petersanchez (copy link)
Famous Joel on Software blog. Tons of gems on this site.
On By petersanchez (copy link)
Quick cheat sheet for JSONB queries in PostgreSQL.
On By petersanchez (copy link)
I'm sure you agree that it has become impossible to ignore Generative AI (GenAI), as we are constantly bombarded with mainstream news about Large Language Models (LLMs). Very likely you have tried...
On By petersanchez (copy link)
SQLite replication.
On By petersanchez (copy link)